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Book Confessions

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I have a few book confession to own up to. Please don't hate me when you see a few of these (like #7).

So without further to do here are 15 book confessions.

#1. I do not like non-fiction books. I don't know why, I just don't.

#2. I think tfios is way too over hyped.

#3. I guess this is more of a movie confession than a book confession but oh well! I did not enjoy the Divergent movies. The characters in my brain looked different than in the movie.

#4. I have never read a book by Harper Lee.

#5. I have never read the Maze Runner or Hunger games... yet.

#6. I didn't really like the 5th book in the Selection series, The Crown,but it is still my favorite series.

#7. This is the one some of you might be mad about... I have never read Harry Potter.

#8. I judge books by there cover ALL THE TIME. I know, terrible, but true.

#9. I never have and will read the Mortal Insturments series.

#10. I have never read anything by Sarah J. Mass again, I know, terrible.

#11. Historical Fiction is my least favorite genre. (Besides non-fiction)

#12. The Divergent series are the thickest books I've ever read.

#13. I also havn't read The Fifth Wave series, Shatter me series, Lunar Chronicles or the Legend series.

#14. I could not finish the book Matched, I don't know why! I was so excited to read it and I had been waiting for it forever, and I LOVE Ally Condie! I'm going to try and read it again this summer though!

#15. I had not bought a single book in a little over a month a few days ago, but then I ordered like 5 books from B&N a few days ago so now I'm all good!

Please don't let anything on this list sway your opinion! I'm sure in fact I KNOW all of these authors and books are wonderful, there just not for me!

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